
Come join us on Wednesdays at 6pm for our open social run!

The best way to become a member is to join us for our social runs at the club every Wednesday evening.

Open to non members.  Any fitness level!

No need to book, just show up!.

Email if you need more info!

For all membership enquiries please contact Jo Wild at

The 2025 membership fees are calculated as follows:

  • Single Adult: R1100
  • Couple: R1520
  • Pensioner: R670
  • Pensioner Couple: R1200
  • Virtual: R550
  • Junior: R300

The above fees include an ASA license

Please note that membership to  the main club is INCLUDED (Except for the Virtual Membership option)when signing up to the Athletics Club.

The  fees are reduced to pro rata per month, calculated from Mar to Feb, when joining late.


  • Athletics South Africa (ASA) registration is required and you can do this by downloading and completing the 2022 ASA form below and returning it to Jo Wild with your FHSC membership forms.
  • Completed main club application form: (please choose applicable form)
  • cash or proof of payment (PLEASE pay before you collect your number)

If possible PLEASE EFT the money and bring proof of payment to simplify the administration, ignore the banking details on the main club application form, our banking details are:

Bank: ABSA
Account Name: Forest Hills Athletics Club
Account Number: 9045574106
Branch Code: 63200500
Beneficiary Reference: Full Name and Surname
